Cancer README Contents ====================== Welcome to Cancer for Macintosh, part of the Corel Medical Series. This document provides important information regarding Cancer for Macintosh that wasn't available when the jewel case insert was printed. Please read this document before using Cancer. If you have any suggestions or questions about this product that your distributor can't answer, please contact Corel Multimedia Technical Support: Telephone: (613) 728-1010 CompuServe: Enter GO COREL2 Internet: Contents ======== A. Known Issues 1. 32-Bit Disc Addressing must be enabled 2. Cancer runs slowly in high color mode 3. System appears frozen when a text hyperlink is clicked 4. Conflict between Help function and QuickTime 5. Steadmans may not display properly when accessed B. Optimizing your system for Cancer C. Trouble Shooting  1. Clipboard objects cleared when Stedmans is launched 2. System freezes if external volume is adjusted 3. Error at startup while using RAM Doubler 4. Cannot run Cancer and Steadmans Dictionary at same time A. Known Issues ============== 1. 32-bit addressing must be enabled --------------------------------- In order for Cancer to function properly, 32-bit addressing must be enabled on your Macintosh. See the Optimizing section below for instructions on how to accomplish this. 2. Cancer runs slowly in high color mode ------------------------------------ If you find that Cancer is running slowly on your Macintosh, try setting your monitor color settings to 256 colors. This may help increase performance. See the Optimizing section below for additional tips. 3. System appears frozen when a text hyperlink is clicked ---------------------------------------------------- Please note that when a hyperlink (red text) is clicked on, a complex search is started and your system may appear frozen momentarily. Please do not reset the system, but rather simply give the computer a little time to work and display the search results on screen. Note that some of the more complex links can take up to twenty seconds to display, and during this time there is no indication on screen that the system is "thinking" 4. Conflict between Help function and QuickTime ------------------------------------------- If the Help function is accessed while a QuickTime movie is onscreen (regardless of whether it is playing or not), a color distortion may result. To fix this, enter another project (for example, the Main Menu), and return to your original position. The color distortion will disappear. 5. Steadmans may not display properly when accessed ------------------------------------------------ Under certain conditions, if the Steadmans Medical dictionary is accessed multiple times by closing it completely and reopening it in the same session, an error may occur in your application. If this occurs, simply refrain from closing Steadmans Medical Dictionary, simply leave it running in the background after using it, and it therefore will be accessible whenever you need it without having to reopen it each time. B. Optimizing your system for Cancer ================================= The performance of Cancer is influenced by a number of factors including the speed of your Macintosh, the speed of your CD-ROM drive and the way your system is configured. Two factors that can influence performance are Virtual Memory and 32-bit addressing. Check that your Macintosh has Virtual Memory disabled and 32-bit addressing enabled. To disable Virtual Memory and enable 32-bit addressing: 1. Click Control Panels from the Apple menu. 2. Click the Memory icon. 3. Click the Off button in the Virtual Memory section. 4. Click the On button in the 32-bit Disc Addressing section. NOTE: Currently the memory requirements for this application are set for the minimum hardware configuration. If your system has more than 16MB Ram memory available, you may adjust the preferred memory size on the application icon to increase the applications performance. For further information on setting preferred memory size, consult your Macintosh system documentation. C. Trouble Shooting =================  1. Clipboard objects cleared when Stedmans is launched or Quicktime movie is played ----------------------------------------------------- Please note that when the Stedmans Medical Dictionary is launched, or a Quicktime movie is played, the clipboard contents may be cleared. If you have items stored on the clipboard for use in other applications, please be sure to save them before starting the Stedmans Medical Dictionary or playing a Quicktime movie. 2. System freezes if external volume is adjusted -------------------------------------------- If your system has an external volume control, you should not attempt to adjust the volume while this Medical application is loading or accessing the CD-ROM drive. If you attempt to do this, the application or system may stop responding and you will be forced to restart. 3. Error at startup while using RAM Doubler --------------------------------------- Under certain circumstances, if you are using RAM Doubler to increase your system memory, you may experience an error at startup of this Medical title. If this situation occurs, please disable RAM Doubler before using Breastfeeding. For further information on how to temporarily disable RAM Doubler, please consult your RAM Doubler documentation. 4. Cannot run Cancer and Steadmans Dictionary at the same time ---------------------------------------------------------- On some systems that are close to the minimum requirements, you may have trouble accessing Steadmans and/or the help files at the same time you are running the application. This problem occurs due to a lack of available memory on your system. If you encounter this problem, try turning off some of your extensions (see your apple documentation), or turn on virtual memory. Note that activating virtual memory may cause some performance degredation while using this Medical Series application.